How A Business Benefits From Hiring A Certified Translator

In our country, almost every company needs to use a translator when unrolling products across Canada. How can they benefit from choosing certified translators

Businesses will benefit by getting consistent communications and a database of industry-specific terms; as well, they get peace of mind knowing that they’re avoiding cultural insensitivity, receiving accurate documents, and saving a lot of time and money!


They Provide Consistent Communications

Consistency is key: you don’t want your translated messages contradicting each other. Large translation companies often use different translators on the same project. It can create inconsistencies in your branding, and mistranslations can occur when the work changes hands or a new team member takes over.

Quality translators will guarantee that the same team will handle your work through the entire process. By hiring a quality translation services company that is also smaller, your company will benefit by always delivering a consistent message.


They Can Develop A Database Of Industry-Specific Terms

When you hire a certified translator for your company, they can build a database of terms and phrases from your translation projects that they have completed previously. This database saves translators time when working with the same client because they don’t need to localize a company’s terms. This way, the translation service can do their work with minimal questions, and you get your copy back as soon as possible.

At WordFrog, we start by conducting industry research to establish a terminology base specific to each client! We also make sure that all our work meets regulatory requirements for the Canadian market from the very start.


You Keep Your Communications Culturally-Sensitive

A certified translator doesn’t only know how to speak the language – they know how important the little details and nuances are, too. The cultural differences between a Canadian English company and one based in Quebec may be minimal; the cultural differences between them and a company based in the Middle East, on the other hand, can be much more vast!

A professional translation services company will be able to provide localized translations. Also, their knowledge will allow them to advise you as cultural ambassadors. You’ll make sure that your company avoids insulting other parties by accident.


They Verify The Document Before Sending It 

A certified translation service will not stop at a simple translation. They have to make sure that the formatting works for the audience and the product. How we do this is simple: every document is looked over and given final proofreading by a reviser in Québec. It’s a tried-and-true process that ensures the full accuracy of all our products!


Certified Translators Save You Time!

From a database of industry terms to proofreading, the most important benefit is clear: certified translators save you a significant amount of time and money! They help companies avoiding costly reprints and modifications that these businesses need to meet retailer requirements. Don’t waste hours and precious dollars scrapping and restarting your packaging: trust a small team of certified translators who research, edit, and guarantee an accurate translation!


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